LOW-E Glass

For many years, this glass has met the highest requirements for thermal insulation, transparency and homogeneity. With its lower Ug values in two-layer and three-layer iso glass in the configuration with other glass, it ensures that solar energy is used, and above all, it prevents unnecessary heat from leaving the room in winter. The reason for this is a very thin but effective layer of precious metal on the glass. As a component of iso glass, where the coating is installed in the intermediate space and is located in the 3rd position in the two-layer and the 2nd and 5th positions in the three-layer version of the iso glass, light and sunlight can reach the room unhindered, while the heat is retained in the building at the same time.

Low-e glass is primarily intended for use in heat-insulating packages, and can be tempered or as laminated low-e glass.

Today, there are improved versions of low-e glass, which adapt to the climate and the place of installation. Due to the need to save and use natural resources, well-known global manufacturers have improved low-emission coatings, and other low-emission glasses are also offered, such as those that improve the value of the solar factor to a higher or lower level, depending on the area where the glass is installed. We highlight the most commonly used glasses from this “family”, such as low-e 1.0, climaguard solar, climaguard nrG, planibel energy, etc.)

We are available for all necessary consultations on the application of individual glasses.

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